Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Best Reporters are Informed Consumers of News

Post your answers from Tuesday (August. 24) lesson here. Use the Comments button below. Please include your name in the comment box if you use the anonymous option.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ashley Manning
Why Africa needs 'cheetahs,' not 'hippos'

The article I chose was "Why Africa needs more 'cheetahs,' not 'hippos' written by George Ayittey. The piece discuses not cheetahs and hippos but the new generation (cheetahs) of Africa and their anger towards the older generation (hippos). In Africa, there are 210 African heads of state but only around 10 are actually good at what they do. This conflict is causing an uproar of cultural revolution amongst generation y in the continent.

I first went to this piece thinking, as probably most people did, it was actually about cheetahs and hippos. However, as I started reading I was intrigued by the story and the common factors it shared with periods of history in America. It reminded me somewhat of the cultural revolution of the late 1960's and how, as this article describes it, "stodgy, pudgy, and wedded to the old 'colonialism-imperialism,'" the US government and society were at the time. As the younger generation of the US was then, the new "cheetah generation" of 2010 are starting to slowly take over and make their ideals and wishes come true.

At the end of the article, the cheetahs are encouraged by Ayittey not to take over just now but to, "build up on their skills, strength and accumulate knowledge and wealth -- in the private sector -- while methodically draining the swamp of the Hippos." This quote and the entire article I believe can also be applied to most of generation y not just in Africa but in all parts of the world.